Basking in the glory of the last hour of my first day of 23, I can’t help but think back. It’s been a crazy ride for all 276 months of this journey. Plenty of collisions, slow downs, detours, and unexpected bumps in the road all matched with incredible views, wicked adventures, and a whole lot of growing (more up than out).
22 was a bumpy year. Enough so that I’m tempted to declare it an epic fail of a year. Something’s stopping me from doing that, though. Possibly that “smart brain” voice in the back of my head (stupid know it all brat), telling me it’s been a year of planting seeds, pulling out weeds, and getting things organized for a wicked 23. And oh how I’m hoping SmartBrain is right on this one.
A quick recap of 22 shows
- I got certified to rock the mat
- I lost my Grandpa
- I saw some of the most breath taking sights in Argentina
- I ended a very destructive 5-yr relationship
- I became an aunt
- I spent a lot of time figuring out what being alone means
- I finally finished school and got my degree
- I made a career decision that lets me do what I love
- I bought a car, got my own apartment, and picked out a shower curtain
- I went to England
- I cried. A lot.
- I rocked the mat, went vegan, gave up coffee, sex, and chocolate
- I laughed. More than I have in ages.
- I met some incredible people.
And with that, it’s over. On to the next. Raus.
I have no idea what 23 has in store, but I have to say, I’m excited to put 22 behind me and move forward. With that, I am declaring this month of FOCtober as an “I love me” month. The challenge is simple, to simply do something conciously that I know is good for me every day. To make an effort of ending those “I know I shouldn’t, but…” arguments. As someone has told me a few times this year, ‘give yourself some credit.’
Bring it, 23.
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