going bananas

Need a REALLY good coffee and a nap. Maybe a hug too. Sorry I've been off for so long (to the 3 people who maybe read this). No excuses, just being me. Will post more soon, this week holds promise of being a little better... fingers crossed.

Here's a killer banana muffin recipe to tide you over. There are no pictures this time, but, well, imagine my carrot muffins minus the orange and it'll be close I'm sure.

3 ripe bananas
2tbsp grapeseed (or vegetable) oil
4tbsp unsweetened applesauce
1/3c sugar
2tbsp honey
1 egg - beaten
1tsp vanilla extract

1c flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1 1/2tbsp ground flax
2tsp cinnamon
1tsp nutmeg
1/2tsp salt
1-2tbsp dark chocolate grated (chocolate chips will work too)

Preheat oven to 350F, line or grease muffin cups.

Mash bananas and mix in sugar, applesauce, and salt. Stir until mixed, add egg and vanilla. Once mixed, add remaining dry ingredients except chocolate. Mix until just combined, then fold in chocolate. Pour into muffin cups and bake 15-20min. Makes 9-12 muffins.


I just cleaned out all (not kidding, ALL) of my "memory boxes" from high school and before. If I could mentally send you all the memories I just stirred up... it would maybe feel like a hug :)

Muffins sound fannntastic. Here's hoping that (1) your week goes better or (2) you find stronger coffee!

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