While I wait, I'm enjoying my usual breakfast - this berry shake. It started off as a before bed snack of a bowl of cottage cheese, yogurt, and a banana. We then added berries to the mix, then it became breakfast. Next was the blending of it into a shake, then the additional ingredients slowly crept in as we began making it more often. This breakfast is now an everyday thing, save for the few days we have eggs or pancakes - will post those later. Its quick, easy, portable, high protein and super filling! Oh, and delicious too. Don't let the cottage cheese scare you - it gets blended and you really can't tell its in there - promise! A lot of the ingredients are optional, and there is plenty of room to play with the flavors.
Berry Shake
1/4c kefir (optional, but really good for you)
1/3c cottage cheese
1/4c vanilla yogurt
1 egg (optional if you're squeamish)
2tbsp coconut milk
1tbsp ground flax
1/3c frozen berries
1 banana
honey to taste
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can also do this with a stick or imersion blender. Makes one serving.
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