SinS - Day 21

I’ll be honest. This is the first day of this challenge that I’ve really sat down and given it much thought. And whew - I’m 21 days late on that, but nevermind. Better late than never.

In my thinking, I’ve determined that I spent far too much time in the “coulda, woulda, shoulda” lands and not nearly enough time in the “this is it” spaces of life. So here’s what I’m resolving to work on. Rather than looking at relationships of all kinds as potentials for … something, I’m going to start seeing them simply as they are. Taking things day by day, moment by moment. And really, how much more yogic can that get? “Simply be in the present.” Ultimately, it’s a simple task that just requires a whole pile of mental re-training.

Today I spent a few minutes simply sending out some awesome happy vibes to people I think might need it this week. That’s all. Just some rockin’ no-strings-attached virtual hugs. Why? Why not. I don’t need anything in return - and don’t expect anything to come of it. Just sending out some peace and love. Platonic love, that is. Ahem.


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